Saturday, September 24, 2011


After a couple of years of absence, Olu Maintain returns with a sensual-sounding single. We haven’t heard the Ex-Maintain singer in a while and truth be told, there was no going back to listening to his previous works.
Olu doesn’t disappoint with ‘Nawti‘ which he says the title is an acronym for Natural African Woman Totally Inspiring. However the lyrics suggest something quite different. Olu tries to bring ‘sexy back’ as he woos his lady to bed and successfully does!
Riding on the same singing style and vocals we know him for, the mid-tempo beat made by Tayo Adeyemi fits just right with his delivery. Nice.

1 comment:

  1. Heard the tune. Its absolutely Shit. Not surprised. He needs to give it up. He ain't got it; never did. Broke ass 419 dwarf. lol!
