Saturday, March 6, 2010


Message of the Week:
Nike Adeyemi

Love is the hallmark of Christianity. As Christians, we have inherited God’s nature -  love. It’s this love that differentiates us from the rest of the world. It is, therefore, our duty as believers to spread God’s love to the rest of the world especially in these difficult and uncertain times.
The challenge for most of us is how to discover God’s love. This can only be done via the word of God and revelation.  It’s about time believers moved from just talking about God’s love to acquiring a personal revelation of His love. Many people, probably as a result of our environment, are more conscious of the devil’s hatred than they are of God’s love. Unfortunately, even though God’s love is strong, we can only experience it to the degree of our knowledge of this truth.
Love is the sum total of the commandments. We may engage in laudable works but without love, it amounts to nothing I COR. 13:1-3. Sometimes we may notice that it’s becoming a struggle to maintain the love walk, it’s then time to go back to the word, realign and keep your focus on the love of God. Let go of strife, hatred, resentment, bitterness, malice - and embrace the love walk. Surely, offences will come but because we love God, we will forgive. It’s spiritual warfare!!
Bearing in mind that God’s ultimate motive for creation and His restoration plan in Christ Jesus was love, we too, must ensure that love is our motive for all the things we do. Let’s make the most of God’s love but be careful not to take it for granted. For our country, and world, to become a better place, let’s cast out the spirit of Cain and become our brother’s keeper. Love is our power source, love God and love your neighbour as yourself.

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