Monday, April 15, 2013

LOVING IS SERVING by Pastor Kenny Folarin

Luke 10: 25-37

We are created for service and ministry. Each one of us is a minister of the full gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We were created by God to serve Him, to serve humanity and to be a blessing. We all have specific responsibilities and roles to play on earth. We are God’s workmanship created for good works (Ephesians 2: 10). Your life will have more meaning when you stop trying to survive and live for yourself.. The most powerful force on earth is God’s love but this love will not be seen and experienced if we do not express it through serving others. Many people know the historical aspect of Jesus’ death and resurrection but do not have a personal knowledge of the strength of His love. We are God’s human representatives and the only way that people can experience His love is through our lives and the things we do. God will not come physically to the earth to serve people.

In our text, the traveller had been robbed and left for dead by the roadside. Two other travellers – a priest and a Levite (religious men) crossed to the other side to avoid the injured man. It was a Samaritan who was considered, in Bible times, to be a sinner who was sensitive to the injured man’s needs and helped him. The Samaritan noticed someone in need, had compassion and did all he could to ensure that the man received the necessary medical treatment. Today, look around you because there are many people who need your help. Our Christianity will not be real if we ignore those in need around us. Do not avoid helping people because you feel that a lot of people are out to cheat others. The Samaritan was on his own journey but he put his own schedule on hold to help the injured man. Always remember that every human being you meet is an extension of God and the way you treat each person is the same way you are treating God. Since the Samaritan had compassion, God gave him the capacity to give aid to the man (Luke 10: 25-37).

Jesus has paid the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf; what sacrifice are you willing to make so you can be a blessing to someone else? If you are going to be a true Christian, it will cost you (James 2:14-18).  You must be willing to serve other people with your time, energy, talents, material and financial resources (Matt 25: 31- 41). True godliness is only expressed through practical acts which meet others’ needs (James 1:26-27; Acts 2:44-47; 4: 32-35). Whatever God has blessed you with has been given to serve humanity. God wants us to live selfless, Christian lives so we can build a successful community and nation. We can change this world, one person at a time and God needs you to achieve that goal. Let God use you to be a part of someone’s success story.

What have you recently given away to add value or to touch someone else’s life and to meet a need? Remember that the liberal soul will always be made fat (Proverbs 11:24-25).

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