Saturday, April 6, 2013


Proverbs 11:30
One of the basic attributes of wisdom is foresight. Foresight gives you the right perspective in any situation and thus you are enabled to make the right decisions now. On the flip side is hindsight – being able to look at the past or to spot patterns and then use them to project. In Luke 16: 1-9, Jesus tells the story of a corrupt and wasteful servant who was about to be sacked. The servant then called his master’s debtors and decided to reduce their debts so that after he’s sacked, they would owe him favours. Up until that time, he had failed to plan ahead. Another parable with which Jesus illustrates the importance of foresight is when He spoke about the five wise and the five foolish virgins.
Most people make the mistake of thinking that their seed is their harvest. Foolishness always has an excuse for not planning (Proverbs 21:20).An empirically proven law is the Law of Time Perspective which states that the longer the time you take into consideration while making your plans and decisions, the higher you rise. The person who plans five years ahead will always rise higher than the one planning for five weeks or even five months. When you think long-term, you learn to invest, not spend, all your resources. As a Christian, you need to think beyond death. Your goals should not terminate on this side of eternity. If all you’re thinking about are the harvests you will reap in this life, then your goals are too short-term and you have short-changed yourself for eternity because your spirit and soul will live forever. Death for a Christian is not a termination, it is a transition. This life is only a preparation for eternity (Matthew 6: 19-20). In the story of Lazarus and the wealthy man, Jesus was not saying that if you are comfortable on the earth, then you will go to hell or if you suffer here, you will go to heaven. For you to make heaven, you need to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour (Luke 16: 19-31). When we die, we cannot take any possessions; we can only take our relationships into eternity. How are you using your relationships to influence others? Realise that the greatest investments you will ever have are those you make in people’s lives (Daniel 12:3 AMP). This is wisdom! You will not live on earth forever and there is nothing new under the sun. When you leave this earth, your memories will go with you to remind you that, while on earth, you either added value to people’s lives or you led them the wrong way.
This month is dedicated to soul winning. God has given us the Holy Spirit to enable us to become His witnesses and for the salvation of people’s souls. The power of God is not for the fringe benefits of cars, spouses, financial and professional breakthroughs etc. Our major assignment is The Great Commission. We are to preach the gospel to everyone (Mark 16: 15-18). Let this perspective of eternity influence every area of your life. Do not go to heaven alone! Reach out to someone this week!

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