Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Message of the Week: Dont Worry! Give Thanks

Sam Adeyemi

It is paradoxical to have worrying and thanksgiving in the same atmosphere. God's word demands that in the face of adversity we should be anxious for nothing but with prayer and supplication and thanksgiving make our requests known to God. Sometimes, our circumstances seem to justify our worrying and pessimism, but God's word has said we must not be anxious; it's a command not a suggestion, and as believers we must be committed to a strict obedience of God's word, no matter what. When we go contrary to God's word, we set ourselves up for trouble. This does not suggest that we should live in denial or ignore the problems around us; rather we should understand what our role is when challenges show up. In every situation, God has a role to play and we have ours too. There are things we can control and others we cannot control. For example, God has given us the power to control things within us, like our thoughts and emotions, but we have no control over external things like the weather. The best way to deal with such is to cast all our cares on God. Focus on the things you can control and God will take care of the things we cannot control, this way we are not denying that the problems exist but we have decided to not worry but trust God. Worrying is a negative emotion. No amount of worrying will change any situation for the better, neither will worrying make God to do today what He has planned to do tomorrow. Worrying only exposes a lack of faith and this displeases God. Research shows that 92% of the things people worry about never happen. Whenever you notice you are slipping into worrying, bring God in through thanksgiving and the peace of God that surpasses human understanding will envelope your heart and mind. Thanksgiving is an expression of faith. Let's make a choice to believe and trust in God's word, and honour Him by obeying it. Rejoice and be thankful because with God all things are possible and He is working all things together for good!

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