Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Message of the Week: The Catalyst

Sam Adeyemi
A catalyst precipitates a reaction without being changed or affected by the consequences. A person or thing that causes change can be called a catalyst. Jesus describes Christians as the 'light' of the world and the 'salt' of the earth; light can be equated to development, it's the first thing that God created, also God is described as light and we are made in His image and likeness. Salt has the power to affect - adds taste, preserves and prevents decay. Jesus is, in effect, saying that believers have the ability to affect people and things, and cause change.
The life of a believer is supposed to be characterized by signs. We have not been designed to be lukewarm, living ordinary lives; we were designed to have tremendous power and influence on our world. Therefore, we have got to take the responsibility to make an impact. Not taking responsibility makes you a liability. In life, you are never neutral. People, who fail to affect their world, will be affected; if you fail to dominate, you will be dominated. When salt loses its taste, it's thrown away and trodden upon.
 Develop high potency - the power to affect others. The key to potency is   the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The influence of the Holy Spirit in a   person’s life can be equated to a refining fire. To maintain this potency,   cultivate an intimate relationship with God. Learn to spend time with God.
 Be authentic - develop character (integrity, honesty, etc.) Hypocrisy and   dishonesty puts people off. Admit your weaknesses and stay in the area of  your gifting.
 Contact - Contact is the key to impact. Not till you introduce a catalyst into an  equation does it get a reaction or effect. Build relationships.
 Love people genuinely, this way, the motives for any action will be based  on what value to add and not what to take away.
 Lastly, start by affecting the people closest to you.

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