Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bread, Freedom, Social Justice - Alaa Abd El Fattah #FreeAlaa

Photograph: Nariman El-Mofty/AP

He has been a social critique of the Egyptian government and was the icon for the revolution that occurred in Egypt - a revolution which saw the removal of Hosni Mubarak from power. He was arrested and imprisoned with others for demonstration against the military trials of civilians in 2013. While the world recognizes the injustice meted against Alaa and others, as the judge read out the sentences, outrage by activists who were yelling "down with military rule" echoed in the courtroom at Tora prison, Cairo.

Injustice in Egypt for its freedom fighters and heroes. In her words novelist and political commentator Adhaf Soueif says “It’s not an issue of flaws. It’s an issue of inventing it as they go along. What is surprising is why they even bother with any kind of skeletal resemblance to proper process". Will justice ever return to Egypt?


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