Friday, October 8, 2010

Message of the Week: Sam Adeyemi

Luke 4: 18-19, John 20: 21

In the above scriptures, Jesus was declaring His mandate, “Preach the good news to the poor. . . ”; and He ensured that He was not distracted. God had presented His Son – groomed, tested and mature and in perfect alignment with His will, at the river Jordan. Jesus came at a time when the people desired political change and freedom from colonization by the Roman government, but, instead of confronting their external issues, He Preached a mental shift from the world's system to God's way of doing things. Believers, too, have been given this mandate; a mission from God, Jesus passed it on. When you are in alignment with divine purpose, you are guaranteed that God's power will be at your disposal, His presence will go with you.
God's system of government is completely different from the world's system of government. The world's system is characterized by self – selfish motives for everything; but God's system of government runs on love. The human system is faulty because the sinful nature of man can never produce a perfect system – economically, politically or socially. Only a perfect God can produce a perfect system. Jesus introduced this perfect system to us, preaching that we must accept Him and become citizens of God's kingdom, grooming us Christians to adopt the values of God's kingdom, values like love, compassion, humility, sacrifice, and service.
Our dear nation, as she approaches fifty years, desperately needs the message of Christ. The elections are almost upon us, and like the Romans, we naturally expect spectacular external improvement. But like Jesus preached, what we really need is an internal change. Our way of thinking must change to align with God's way of thinking. As citizens of God's kingdom where love is the motive for everything, we will make the choice to live lives of sacrifice and service, using our material possessions for the advancement of God's cause; never using God's power for personal aggrandizement. In God's kingdom, it is possible to be rich and powerful and humble. Let's know that while committing to live by the values and principles of God's kingdom, we may lose precious relationships, but whatever we lose for God's sake will be restored many times over, in this life time and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. I love Sam adeyemi , i always watch a program on the telly with him , talking about his book , this particular article is brilliant , Ijust love it , is imoportant that every boby understand that human beings are a part of god , we are god
